Post Advances Support Officer (22 views)

September 1, 2024

The purpose of this position is to ensure all aspects of advances deals post payout is
adequately and timeously dealt with. This includes but is not limited to generation of
settlement letters, processing of settlements and early settlements, processing of releases,
processing unpaid debit orders , extraction and issuance of statements (legal, audit, normal,
etc), reimbursements, deals written off, amendments to debit orders, salary deal
repayments, reconciliation of the Advances Transaction account, performance of all required
customer and control reconciliations, handling customer queries and general assistance as
required by the larger technical support department as directed by the Post Advances
support supervisor.

Processing of unpaid debit orders
• Ensure that all unpaid debit orders are processed correctly and timeously

Issuing of settlementletters
• Ensure that all settlementletters logged by customers are actioned within agreed SLA
turnaround times
• Responsible for assisting in the implementing controls and processes to reduce turnaround
times of issuance of letters while still ensuring all related risks are addressed

Early Settlements
• Responsible for assisting in implementing processes and controls to ensure that all deals
are settled and maturity and all relevant actions there are all actioned timeously.
• Responsible for ensuring all system related issues are addressed to ensure accurate settlements
take place as directed by the supervisor
• Responsible forimplementation of reports and automation to reduce time taken to perform early
settlements as directed by the supervisor
• Settlement of deals at maturity on agreed SLA times.

• Responsible for ensuring accurate and timeous settlementto deals whereby higher amounts
needed to be reversed due to and unpaid debit order.

• Ensure Legal statements are accurately prepared incorporating all legal charges were
necessary, to balance to the banking system for all deals that are required.
• Ensure Audit statements & SARS requests are prepared for the required audit period taking into
account all paid up deals.
• Ensure Legal statements for deals written off or new legal handovers are accurately prepared.
• Ensure normal statements or manual statements are prepared accurately as and when required.

• Responsible for ensuring that all refunds are processed accurately and timeously
• Responsible for assessing and implementing new processes and controls (including
automation and reports) to reduce refund payments made by ensuring debit orders are
cancelled timeously

Write offs and book codes
• Responsible for ensuring that all post payout deal amendments are handed by the
department. This includes processing of write off for abandonment or collection and
amendment to deal book codes.

Debit orders
• Responsible for ensuring all debit orders is amended in terms of banking details, dates or
amounts as per request from the branch, which will include suspensions, once offs and

Salary Deal repayments
• Ensuring all salary deal repayments is processed accurately and timeously on a monthly basis
as per the salary deductions received from the Finance department

Paid up letters for Logbooks and Title Deeds
• Responsible for ensuring all requests received via email/Web are captured on the log and the
paid up letters are extracted with valid screenshots and sent to Post Advances Supervisor for
sign off.
• Responsible for ensuring that all requests are completed within the required SLA times.
• Responsible for ensuring that all customer reconciliations requested are completed within
the required SLA times.
• Responsible for ensuring that all control reconciliations are cleared daily, weekly or monthly
basis depending on the nature of the recons.

• Responsible for ensuring that all reporting and escalation of relevant matters are done
accurately and timeously ensuring the impact on customers are kept to a minimal.

• Responsible in assisting the Post advance support supervisor or Technical support
manager with any adhoc requirements including queries and projects.

• Matric
• Finance Degree or Diploma

• A minimum of 3-5 years of experience handing advances deals
• Shariah Banking experience

• Bank structures
• Bank policies and processes
• Bank product offerings
• Bank systems
• Microsoft office 365

Al Baraka Bank is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Applicants from the previously disadvantaged
groups and people with disabilities will be given preference.